Parks and Playgrounds
Our Services
Whitwick Park (see Land & Property for other sites)
Whitwick Park is a King Georges Field charity. Part of this charitable land was transferred to Parsonwood Hill Recreations Ground to enable a site within the Park to be used for construction of Park Hall (formerly Whitwick Youth Centre). Trusteeship of this Charity was transferred from NWLDC to the Parish Council in 2014. A mixture of formal flower beds and other shrubbery areas provides a natural environment enjoyed by many visitors.
Opening Times: 8 am every day (except Christmas Day).
Closing Time (varies according to dusk) :
3.30 pm January/February
5.30 pm March
7.30 pm April
8.30 pm May, June, July, August
7.30 pm September
5.30 pm October
3.30 pm November/December
Facilities include: Two Tennis courts (free to use), Bowling Green (free but some restricted opening and resident Club), Playground for all ages with some inclusive equipment, Skate Park, Outdoor Gym equipment, Public toilets, benches.
In 2020 a new area was identified by the Parish Council to become a Memorial Garden – this is under development.
A car park is provided for visitors who are using the Park and/or Park Hall. The car park is locked when we are closed. Also textile recycling bank by car park (for Air Ambulance Charity).
Parks and Grounds Maintenance
Grounds maintenance is carried out by JR Landscaping and Property Maintenance on behalf the Parish Council under an agreement which commenced on 1 April 2019. This work is paid for by the Parish Council.
There are six playgrounds in Whitwick which have play equipment available for children:
Hermitage Road/Green Lane
Hilary Crescent
Holly Hayes Road
Whitwick Park
Hermitage Recreation Grounds, off Hermitage Road
Robinson Road, Whitwick
A small parking area is provided by NWLDC for visitors to Cademan Woods off Swannymote Road. A small part of this woodland is owned by the Parish Council.
A small parking area is provided off Thornborough Road (by Bridle Road) adjacent to the neighbouring land owned by the Parish Council
Village Greens
There are no designated village greens in Whitwick.