Benches & Flagpole
Our Services
Street Furniture
The parish council has the power to provide local facilities such as seats, shelters, speed signs, litter bins and grit bins. Some locations are more suitable than others and strict conditions apply if the land is owned by the County Council – a lengthy application process has to be undertaken, with consultation by the Parish Council and local searches for underground utilities, before a licence is potentially offered to us for a fee.
Any requests for new or replacement facilities should be made to the Community Office.
Parish Council benches are located at Hermitage Road and in some playgrounds. Two new benches installed in Whitwick Park in 2020.
Coming Soon
Benches have been bought for Loughborough Road (near the junction with Swannymote Road) and Hall Lane (near the path to Perran Avenue). A memorial bench has been kindly donated to replace an existing bench by the Whitwick Wheel.
Whitwick Parish Council installed a flagpole on land that it owns near the City of Dan in 2020. A flag is flown every day, according to the flag flying policy that is reviewed each year. A parish council flag flies on important dates in our own parish calendar. Please see the Policies page of this website for further details.
Council Land & Property
Whitwick Park is a King Georges Field charity.
The following recreation grounds, play areas, open spaces and amenity areas were also transferred from the ownership of NWLDC to the Parish Council in 2014:
Ashford Road
Briers Way/Stinson Way
Car Hill Rock, Gracedieu Road
City of Dan
Hermitage Road/Green Lane
Hilary Crescent
Holly Hayes Road/Rosslyn Road
Loughborough Road/Cademan Street
North Street
Thomas Road
Thornborough Road
The following sites have been transferred into parish ownership by the developers: