

Litter bins have traditionally been supplied and emptied by NWLDC. However, as part of their spending reductions they have decided that the cost of providing both new and replacement bins and emptying costs for any additional ones should be met by the Parish Council. Any requests for bins should be addressed to the Parish Manager.

Litter Picking Volunteers

The Parish Council supported the scheme run by NWLDC – we were able to supply bags to volunteer litter pickers in Whitwick.  This scheme has now changed (in June 2021) and we are awaiting further information on what the new arrangements are and how the parish council can help make it work  – we will update you here as soon as we know more.  If you would like to help keep Whitwick tidy please send your details to the Community Office and we’ll keep your details ready for when we can start working together –  for our ‘cleaner’ future.

Litter Bins

Litter bins are provided on some areas of parish land and are emptied regularly by our appointed grounds maintenance contractor.  Any requests for bins should be addressed to the Parish Manager.