Financial Information

Small Grants for Local Community Groups

The Parish Council has a small fund to make grants of up to £250 for not-for-profit groups based in the Parish, on a first-come, first-served basis. Please allow at least 6 weeks for consideration of the application.

Download Size
Community Grants Scheme (PDF) 129kb
Grant Aid Application v3 WPC 88kb
Parish Factsheet – Information & FAQs (PDF) 315kb

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Accounts 2023-24

Helpful notes are included on pages at the end of the budget figures.  Monthly financial updates are usually included with the agenda papers – see link to  ‘Agenda’. Other information will appear after 31 March when year end procedures are underway.

Accounts 2022-23

Helpful notes are included on pages at the end of the budget figures.  Monthly financial updates are usually included with the agenda papers – see link to  ‘Agenda’. Other information will appear after 31 March when year end procedures are underway.

Accounts 2021-22

Helpful notes are included on pages at the end of the budget figures.  Monthly financial updates are usually included with the agenda papers – see link to  ‘Agenda’ . Other information will appear after 31 March when year end procedures are underway.

Accounts 2020-21

Helpful notes are included on pages at the end of the budget figures.

Monthly financial updates are usually included with the agenda papers – see link to  ‘Agenda’ .

Accounts 2019-20

Approved 17 January 2019

Monthly financial updates are usually included with the agenda papers – see link to  ‘Agenda’ . Other information will appear after 31 March when year end procedures are underway.

Accounts 2018-19

Approved 18 January 2018

Accounts 2017-18

Approved 19 January 2017

Accounts 2016-17

Approved 28 January 2016

Accounts 2015-16

Approved 29 January 2015

Accounts 2014-15

Approved 23 January 2014

Accounts 2013-14

Accounts 2012-13

Accounts 2011-12