Derek Howe 2013  Half Mast Flag 2

It is with great sadness and gratitude that Whitwick Parish Council received the news of the death of former councillor, Derek Howe.

Derek served as one of Whitwick’s district councillors for more than four decades, he was part of the steering group which brought about the formation of Whitwick Parish Council, and served the Council and parishioners for the first eight years of its existence.

In June 2013, Derek was the first resident to be bestowed  the title of ‘Honorary Freeman of the Parish of Whitwick’.

Derek always had the good of Whitwick at heart and only stepped down from public life due to his failing health, but he remained constantly interested and always available for advice .

Sue Colledge, the Chair of Whitwick Parish Council, paid tribute to Derek, ‘Beyond all his achievements for the area, I considered Derek a dear friend. Rest peacefully now, reunited with your beloved Molly.’

At this time Whitwick Parish Council remembers all that Councillor Howe did for our community.

The Parish flag was lowered to half mast on the day that Councillor Howe’s death was announced and will be lowered again on the day of his funeral as a mark of respect and gratitude for his work on behalf of Whitwick and its residents.

Councillor Howe’s funeral will take place on Friday February 16th 2024, commencing with a service at St John the Baptist Church at 1.00 pm.  There will then be a cremation at Loughborough Crematorium, followed by a gathering of commemoration at The Black Horse, Church Lane.

Our thoughts go out to Derek’s family and friends .