Whitwick Branch of the Royal British Legion asked the Parish Council to organise the road closures for the Parade on Remembrance Sunday.  The Legion has planned slightly different times and route this year but parts of Silver Street, Market Place and North Street will be closed between 14.00 and 14.30.

The March should leave Silver Street (from the Conny Club) at 14:10 to get to the Church at 14.20 and the service this year will start at the earlier time of 14:30.

The Legion are not having a return march but a short road closure will take place to help people get safely back to their cars at about 15:30 pm. Limited car parking is available at the former Hermitage Leisure Centre but please walk carefully on the pavement to the Muster Point.  If you can walk to watch the March that will help save parking for those that really need it.

The parish council thanks Leicestershire and Rutland 4×4 Response for their continued support and also our new voluntary helpers supporting the safety of this event.  The District Council have given permission for the car park at the former Hermitage Leisure Centre to be used this year.

Road closures: Silver Street, from the entrance to former Hermitage Leisure Centre to the junction with the City of Dan, turn left into Market Place, from the junction with City of Dan to where the road becomes North Street, from Market Place to the brow of the hill past St John the Baptist Church.

Please do not hesitate to contact the Community Office if you have any questions or require further information email clerk@whitwickpc.org  

3A Market Place, Whitwick, Leics., LE67 5DT   Tel: 01530 459527