Collage of pictures showing scenes from the event to remember those affected by the Whitwick Mining Disaster which occurred on 19th April 1898 from the 125th Anniversary Event held on Wednesday 19th April 2023 including the parish flag flying at half mast, wreaths at the pit wheel near to the City of Dan, a service of remembrance being led before a new mural unveiled at Whitwick Park and Desford Brass Band performing at the event at Whitwick Park Hall.

Whitwick Parish Council held an event at Whitwick Park on Wednesday 19th April 2023 to remember all those affected by the Whitwick Mining Disaster that occurred during the night shift on 19th April 1898 when a ‘gob’ fire broke out in No. 5 pit with 42 colliers underground, most trapped at workings beyond the fire.  There were only 7 survivors and 12 bodies remain underground to this day.

This event included a service of remembrance as well as a dedication of the recently finished mural to create a memorial wall at Whitwick Park which shows scenes to honour the mining heritage of the area alongside wartime images with a message that reads ‘Whitwick gives thanks for those brave souls who gave their lives so that we could live ours’.

Desford Colliery Band also attended and performed at the event, wreaths were laid in tribute and a speech was given by Peter Smith on behalf of the Leicestershire Coal Industry Welfare Trust Fund.